jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012


Wow, it's been a while since I've wrote, but here I am, I'm back! :D

Some stuff has happened since my last entry. My headaches are still coming and going all the time, but not as bad as they were on the past weeks.
I'm not gonna say "first of all" or anything like that, cause I'm not good to number things in a certain order, so here they go.

Some day last week, this guy came in while we were on class and told us that his company needed a chef because they were going to do a commercial. He choose me and two more guys and filmed us while we chopped some vegetables. Then he took our numbers and info and told us that if we were chosen, they'll call us.

On Thursday, I went to the eye doctor, they told me that, because of my light-green eyes, I need some specially filtered lenses  , so I'm in the process of getting new glasses :)
That same day, before the consult, the commercial guy called me and asked me if I could go to a photoshot for the commercial. I went there, they filmed me saying my name, explaining why I decided to study cooking, etc, because they needed to see how I talked in front of a camera, they needed to see if I was scared to do it, I am not :)
After that, they took some pics, and asked me to walk to the left, then to the right, and smile to the camera, all that while they were filming me. Then they took my info, but this time with a LOT more details, like shirt size, shoes size, and stuff like that, and told me the same thing, "If you are chosen, we'll call you".

Oh, also, I finally got the macarons right!!!, Here is a pic of how they came out :D

This is before the Nutella :3, you take one, put some Nutella on it, and put another one on the top. I gave this to my fiancé, she loves them, and we had tried to make them like 6758 times before, and all we got was a shapeless.... stuff xD But it tasted nice :3

Ok, so I finished with French Cuisine, started with Brazilian, finished that too, and now we're seeing Caribbean. We made snail soup yesterday, allegedly to be afrodisiac. 

I've been expending a lot of time with le fiancé <3 We ate sushi, went to the movies (saw The Artist, LOVE IT) slept, cuddle, watched movies, played, laughed, being happy together :3 

What else? Hmmm, also I finished my driving lessons, now I have to go to the medical exams, they'll check if I'm not completely insane, and I'm reliable to drive a car. I started reading "El alquimista" from the author Paulo Coelho, great book so far, I started playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep on my fiancé's PSP and I'm playing KH1 again :) I absolutely love those games <3 

Last but not least, I am seriously thinking of dying my hair blue again, but I really need to work in order for me to graduate this year so... JKDHSFKJHSDF AHHH!!!!! 

After that short but understandable loss of composure, I wish you all a great night, sleep tight, or if you don't sleep to much, try and draw, sing, or/and eat you're night away :) Hugs 

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